Do you know that there are over 450 different varieties of lavender? Do you also know that it is known for its many benefits and has been called one of “nature’s super ingredients”? One of its benefits is that it has a calming and relaxing fragrance that can help improve sleep and reduce anxiety in a natural way. Cancer treatments and anxiety can make sleep difficult; we put a travel size can of lavender linen spray in our encouragement bags in the hopes that patients will have more restful nights of sleep.
Last week I had to restock my supply of lavender linen spray for the bags, so I emailed my order to the lavender company. Almost immediately I received a response from the company’s owner and in her email she said, “ I remember your first order, and that you were a little nervous on how many to get. Look at you now. You certainly had an inspired idea, and I love how many people you are blessing!” The timing on receiving this email was impeccable as about that same time I received another email from one of the cancer centers that distributes our bags, and in this email they informed me how they have been receiving rave reviews from their patients regarding the lavender spray.
The owner of the lavender linen spray company summed it up when she mentioned I was nervous. I wondered to myself: will I have way too many cans of it and end up using it all myself, and if not, how soon will I have to reorder? My vendors have been noticing the growth our ministry is experiencing. Back when I made that initial purchase for the spray along with the other products in the bag, I had to trust that God was going to provide a way to make all this possible as well as providing people who needed to be blessed through our efforts. We still need to continue to trust, especially considering how our distribution channels have been expanding and the number of cancer cases continues to rise. Please contact us if you know of someone who has recently been diagnosed with cancer and can use a bag to brighten their day.
“I finished my radiation treatments today and was given your little encouragement bag as a ‘parting gift’ from the cancer center. What a beautiful gesture and wonderful ministry you have. I just wanted you to know how much it is appreciated. Thank you and may God bless you and those who benefit from your kindness.”
UPDATES FOR DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Colorado: We have recently begun distributing the bags through another cancer center in the Denver metro area. This provider has several locations, and we are waiting to hear how many of these offices would like to hand out the bags to their patients.
Michigan: Distribution at one Grand Rapids area hospital is going well and one of our board members is looking into the possibility of providing bags to another area hospital.
North Caroliina: A few months ago, we began providing bags to a small cancer center in North Carolina for them to give to their patients.
APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF BAGS DISTRIBUTED TO DATE: 960 (370 SINCE OUR OCTOBER 2022 NEWSLETTER) If you know of someone who has been diagnosed with cancer and you would like to send a bag, go to our website to place an order.

Contact Us Be Still and Know Inc. P.O. Box 563 Bennett, CO 80102 616-826-1906 bestillandknowministry@gmail.com www.bestillandknowinc.org